Please check that you are entering all information correctly and that it matches information included on your national id, if you still have problems please send us a screen shot with the issue and send it on our email :
You will receive an email from the EKB team on the email you have registered with, it will include the user name and password.
Please note that we are working on updating the system and all universities will be added to the list on 23rd of January.
The Researcher sub-portal is meant to serve university and research centers staff members, in that kindly visit the same registration page, while connected to your kind respective university/institute Internet connection.
Once you successfully complete your registration and sign once from your university/institute, your account shall work from anywhere inside Egypt.
Please make sure to login once every 30 days from your university premises to maintain the remote access service.
Please note that the portal will be updated with tutorial videos after the soft launch on the 23rd of January.